Wedding Guest List
Create your Wedding Guest List in less than 10 minutes completely free with EasyWedding!
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Make your wedding Guest List
Make your wedding Guest List fast and easy in order to have every little detail under control.
Add your Guests
Add each Guest with one click.
Change your Guests' status
Choose whether they will attend the ceremony or reception.
Connection with Seating Plan
Use the Seating Plan in order to put your Guests in the reception tables.
Guest List
Manage all details for all of your Guests
Guest Groups
Organize your Guests in groups.
Guest RSVP
See your Guests' answers.
Put them in tables
Use the Seating Plan to put them in tables.
Organize your wedding with 6 clicks
Throw away the paper and the pencil and start working with EasyWedding Tools for FREE.
Start immediately
The beginning is half the battle. Selecting the Wedding Guests may be a daunting process for a couple, at least when they find out EasyWedding Guest List. You can add your guests, alongside with their escorts, within a couple of minutes.
Select the attending Guests
Select the guests that are invited in the ceremony and in the reception, and select whether they will attend or not.
Place your Guests in reception tables
After you finish adding your Guests, you can add them in the reception tables fast and easy with just one click each, thanks to EasyWedding Seat Plan.
Planning “on the go”
From searching wedding professionals to using EasyWedding's last Tool, you can do it form your mobile Browser
I have used EasyWedding's tool for every detail of my Wedding. From organizing my guest list to creating my wedding website. I would definitely recommend it to any bride-to-be!
Wedding Guest List
Is EasyWedding's Guest List for free?
How should we pick our Guests?
How do I limit my wedding guest list?
How do I make my Guest List through EasyWedding?